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The Guest Program involves ICA (Institute of Contemporary Art, Sofia) hosting "by invitation only" artists of international standing, for a negotiated period (up to one month), to work on or to present a specific project related to the objectives of the "Visual Seminar". There will be preliminary discussions with such persons about specific topics of interest. The guest fellows would be asked to present publicly their work, to give lectures, to initiate debates and generally become part of the local art scene for a while. At the end of their stays in Sofia a show of their projects will be arranged and (based on previous agreement) the work produced in Sofia may be donated to the "Visual Seminar" with the prospect of establishing a collection of international contemporary art in Sofia.

Artists taking part in the Guest Program "Visual Statement":

* June 2004: Gelatin (Vienna, Austria)
* December 2004: Sean Snyder (Berlin)
A specific sub-module of the Guest Program "Visual Statement" is the exhibition project "Red Riviera Revisited" that will involve the outsiders' perspective on the chang(ed)(ing) visual interface of the country by mainly German and other artist who had been to the Bulgarian Black Sea coast (the 'Red Riviera') before 1989 as vacationing youngsters.
The results of the artists' reflections are presented in Sofia in an exhibition, curated by Luchezar Boyadjiev and Iara Boubnova. Participating artists from Germany: Via Lewandowsky, Christian Jankowski, Christine de la Garenne, Birgit Brenner, Ulrike Kuschel, Olaf Nicolai and Sean Snyder.
More information to be found in the project newsletters.