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A book by "relations."

In essays and reportages, in literary texts and artistic contributions, 52 authors take positions on current issues, pose new questions, and so portray a subjective tableau of their cities, the cultural scenes, and the public realms.

Discuss Leap into the City

at the Leipzig Book Fair in the Café Europa
"Waiting for Europe?
Cultural positions and political conditions in Kosovo and Moldova"

With, among others: Tilman Rammstedt (author, Germany), Migjen Kelmendi (journalist and writer, Pristina, Kosovo), Gerald Knaus (Director of the European Stability Initiative, Berlin/Istanbul), Hortensia Völckers (Artistic Director of the German Federal
Cultural Foundation) and Thomas Krüger (President of the Federal Agency for Civic Education)

Date: March 16, 2006, 4 - 6 pm
Location: Café Europa, Messehalle 4, Stand D505
Held in collaboration with DuMont Literatur und Kunst Verlag and the Federal Agency for Civic Education.

at the "Streitraum" of the Schaubühne Berlin
"Fetish Europe"

Mathias Greffrath in discussion with Boris Buden (writer, Berlin) and Ivaylo Ditchev (Professor of Cultural Studies, Sofiav)

Date: March 19, 2006 at 12 noon
Location: Schaubühne am Lehniner Platz in Berlin
Held in collaboration with the Forum Goethe-Institute.

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