Website, art and cultural projects, colloquium
Project Leadership
Susanne Ackers, Inke Arns, Hartware MedienKunstVerein, Dortmund,
Tomislav Medak, Zagreb - Cultural Kapital of Euro 3000,
Francis Hunger, Christoph Pingel (information architecture), Darija Simunović
Participating institutions in Zagreb
Center for Drama Art (CDU); Multimedia Institute (mi2); Platforma 9,81; What, How & for Whom (WHW); BLOK; Bacaci sjenki; Community Art; Kontejner
Participating institutions in North Rhine-Westphalia
Hartware MedienKunstVerein, Dortmund; MeX, Dortmund; orange.edge,
Dortmund;, Düsseldorf
The work of the co-operative platform in Zagreb focuses on collaborative execution of interdisciplinary projects, on interventions into the urban space and intervention in the local cultural politics. Theses experiences are also reflected in the project structure of "Peripherie 3000."
As an interdisciplinary platform, "Peripherie 3000" develops artistic and cultural projects in cooperation with "ZCK 3000" and with various partners from the fields of performance, media art and politics, music and urban planning in the Ruhr Region. The topics are site-specific, but are relevant at the same time beyond the local context: The disappearance of labour and the transformation of the notion of labour - from the Industrial Age to the Information Age; From the culture of immigrant workers in the 1960s to the new immigrant communities; The "Old West" as the "New East:" structural change in the Old vs. structural break in the New Laender; Peripherie 3000 - Off Center or - Do we still find in the centers what we are looking for?; and finally: What kind of institutions does cultural production need today?
"Peripherie 3000" plays with the understanding of the (cultural) capital as "center" and opposes self-confidently to this term the notion of "periphery:" Periphery as place of borders and fringes, allowing a precise view on changing social and cultural conditions. "Peripherie 3000" - inspired by the "intensive collaborative platforms" developed in the context of the "ZCK 3000" - presents itself as a strategic platform for networked centers.
An important part of the project is the development of a collaborative website that will be used as a platform for exchange during the development of the projects. It will also serve to document the projects and visualise the interconnections of the thematic subjects (semantic net).